Create MyLCI Account

All Lions & Leos can create an account at MyLCI. But permissions will be different based on your role / officer title.

For all Lions & Leos, the account creation steps are the same:

Go to

Click on the green "REGISTER" button.

You will be shown this form. You will need your Leo / Lion member ID.

If you don't know your member ID, please contact your Leo Club Advisor if you are a Leo, or contact your Lions Club President or Secretary if you are a Lion. They should access to the MyLCI system to look up your ID for you.

You can choose to use your email or mobile number as your Login.

After clicking on CONTINUE, it will send a confirmation code to either your email or phone, depending on which you selected when filling out the form. After verification is complete, it will ask you to login. Then you will see this page:

Choose "MyLCI", 2nd icon from left, if you want to look at your club info.

That will take you to your MyCLI home page, showing your Leo/Lion Club. If you want to look up member info or add new members, you can go from there.